

News Release Issued on Dai-ichi Life’s Impact Investment in TYPICA

Included in TYPICA’s fundraising of JPY 1.55 billion in March 2024 is an investment of JPY 100 million from Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (“Dai-ichi Life”). This investment was made as part of Dai-ichi Life’s impact investment activities under ESG financing.

Today, Dai-ichi Life has issued a news release regarding this impact investment in TYPICA.

The release provides a detailed introduction to TYPICA’s business, emphasizing its contribution to achieving Goal 1 of the SDGs, “No Poverty.”

In response to the impact investment from Dai-ichi Life, TYPICA’s Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer, Masashi Goto, commented as follows (excerpted from the news release).

“Promoting direct trade, which empowers small and medium-scale coffee producers, not only increases incomes for coffee producers but also contributes to addressing fundamental issues outlined in the SDGs, including human rights and environmental concerns.”

TYPICA aims to establish a business model fostering economic growth for the company itself and broader industries, while simultaneously creating positive impacts on society. TYPICA perceives this impact investment as a recognition of its commitment to this vision.

Utilizing the funds raised this time, TYPICA will continue to maximize its social impact through the enhancement of the intrinsic value of its business.

The news release including the full text of Goto’s comments can be found here.