

CEO Goto’s interview featured on Project Design Online

An interview with TYPICA CEO Masashi Goto was published on June 14, 2024, on Project Design Online, a website operated by Advanced Academic Agency.
The article was originally published on May 23, 2024, by J-Net21, a portal site run by the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan.

“Project Design Online” is the digital platform of the monthly magazine “Project Design,” which focuses on fostering innovative thinking for new market development. The website provides information on startups, new businesses, and regional revitalization, offering both online versions of print articles and original digital content.

In the interview, CEO Goto discusses the challenges facing the coffee industry, TYPICA’s founding story, and the company’s growth trajectory. The article, available only in Japanese, can be seen in the link below.

Title: Securing Stable Profits for Coffee Producers Worldwide Through Direct Trade