TYPICA CEO Masashi Goto Featured in September 2024 Issue of “Sendenkaigi”
The September 2024 issue of Sendenkaigi, released on August 1, 2024, features an interview with TYPICA’s CEO, Masashi Goto. On August 21, 2024, Sendenkaigi Co., Ltd. also published a portion of this interview on their news site, “AdverTimes.”
Founded in 1954, Sendenkaigi is Japan’s first magazine specializing in advertising and marketing. With its tagline “Marketing & Creativity,” the magazine covers a broad spectrum of corporate marketing and communication activities.
Goto’s interview appears as part of the magazine’s series on startup marketing strategies, under the title, “TYPICA’s Marketing Strategy to Tackle the ‘2050 Coffee Problem’ Through Direct Trade.”

The article introduces TYPICA’s business model as it explores the so-called 2050 coffee problem. It also highlights Goto’s understanding of the industry’s challenges, informed by his many years of experience in marketing.
He explains TYPICA’s marketing philosophy, noting that “if a company’s vision, mission, and business model are aligned with the desires of all stakeholders, then marketing naturally takes care of itself.” This philosophy of co-creation with stakeholders has been a core principle of TYPICA’s business.
Looking ahead, TYPICA remains committed to nurturing a community that shares its vision of making quality coffee more sustainable while continuing to expand globally.
You can read a portion of the interview at the link below (available in Japanese only):