For Coffee Lovers

Enjoy seasonal coffee with a face behind it

Enjoy rare, unique, and seasonal coffee directly traded from the source. Coffee has its seasons, but not many people know that coffee beans are actually the seeds of a fruit harvested only once a year. The coffees offered by TYPICA are filled with diverse personalities created by the climate and terroir of the origins, as well as the sensibilities of the producers and roasters. Experience truly delicious coffee at roasters who source direct trade coffee through TYPICA.

Find Roasters

Explore our Roaster Map to find local roasteries and cafes offering seasonal coffee. Visit in person or order online to experience the distinctive flavors of each variety.

Keeping delicious coffee delicious, always

As climate change and market volatility threaten the future of coffee, experts forecast that by 2050, the production of the high-quality Arabica variey, which makes up 60% of the world’s coffee, may decrease by half.
TYPICA harnesses the power of community to forge a path towards a more sustainable future for coffee.

Roasters' Online Shops

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Overseas Roasters' Online Shops

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